3 Best Massage Treatments for Neck and Shoulder Pain: A Guide to Muscle Tension Relief

Massage -a soothing solution for sore muscles.

Neck and shoulder pain are among the most common areas of tension that we treat at Fascia Studio Wimbledon. Relieving tension headaches can significantly impact your quality of life—it feels like someone has taken a weight off your shoulders.

If you struggle with a stiff neck and shoulder and cannot look behind your back, you may wonder if sports massage can help.

The answer is - yes!

Sports massage and Myofascial release have been a beacon of relief for many individuals struggling with neck and shoulder pain.

7 Signs you need a massage

  1. Persistent Discomfort: When neck pain lingers for more than a few days.

  2. Limited Range of Motion: Difficulty moving your neck from side to side or up and down.

  3. Headaches: Neck tension can contribute to frequent headaches.

  4. Muscle Tightness: Noticeable knots or tightness in the neck muscles.

  5. Shoulder Pain: Neck issues often extend to the shoulders, causing additional discomfort.

  6. Stress and Tension: High-stress levels can manifest as neck pain and stiffness.

  7. Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty sleeping due to neck discomfort.

Understanding Neck and Shoulder Pain

Firstly, it's essential to consider some common causes of neck and shoulder pain:

  • Poor Posture: Try moving as much as possible, as often as possible.

  • We all know stress. Consider a breathwork practice, regular exercises to reset, a sauna, a hot bath, or other practices to help you shake off that stress.

  • Overuse: doing the same movement over and over again. Consider strengthening, physiotherapy and massage for maintenance.

  • Frequent travelling: Such as long flights and long-distance driving.

shoulder massage

Unwind, relax, and let go of pain.

How Massage Therapy Can Help?

  • Reduces Muscle Tension: Massage techniques can help release tight muscles, reducing pain and discomfort.

  • Improves Circulation: Increased blood flow to the area can promote healing and reduce inflammation.

  • Reduces Stress: Massage can help calm the nervous system and bring your attention to the body, which is soothing and calming.

  • Improves Range of Motion: Regular massage can help you soften into your most optimal range of motion and set a good tone for strengthening and mobility work.

How often should I get a massage for shoulder and neck pain?

Massage benefits are cumulative, so 2-3 treatments are recommended for long-lasting results.

Typically, you need at least three days between treatments. Most commonly, clients repeat a massage once a week unless they are in a rush.

Once every 2 or 3 weeks also works, although home exercises are essential to maintain the benefits of massage.


3 Best types of Massage for Neck and Shoulder Pain

At Fascia Studio, we think the most effective massage treatments for addressing neck and shoulder pain are:

  • Sports massage: strong pressure, trigger point release, active release techniques, PNF stretches, and more. It's perfect for those who love to feel it.

  • Therapeutic massage: Still just as specific. But the gentler option to resolve the same issue.

  • Myofascial release: Indirect myofascial release is the softest technique for tension release. It uses light pressure and is slow, suitable for anyone, including post-surgery patients and the elderly.

neck tension massage

If you're struggling with neck and shoulder pain, take the first step towards relief. Consider incorporating massage therapy into your wellness routine.

A professional massage therapist can tailor a treatment plan to address your needs and help you find relief.

Whats included in your massage session at Fascia Studio Wimbledon?

  • Consultation

  • Assessment

  • Massage

  • Exercises / Stretches to help maintain benefits of massage

  • Tea or Coffee if you arrive early for your appointment

Book your massage today and take that weight off your shoulders.

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